Music game mania hit its fever pitch in 2007, with the dual release of Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band. I looked down to see that the clip I was watching had been viewed over 500,000 times. You have to conquer 'Soulless 4' the hard way.
There is no poison-arrow cheese in Guitar Hero. Acai's craft might not require the monk-like asceticism necessary to conquer a nation's worth of bosses in Dark Souls without ever being hit, but it is also truer, and less exploitable. There are plenty of colossal videogame feats documented on YouTube, but this was a new threshold for me. And somehow, Acai nailed 100 percent of the notes. Instead, it was created by a diehard member of the Guitar Hero community and plays out like a ROM hack designed specifically to break the hearts (or fingers) of anyone who comes near it. The song is called 'Soulless 4.' It's over 10 minutes long, and has never been released commercially in any capacity. A note chart that dwarfed everything I ever accomplished in my peak Guitar Hero days. A note chart that seemed to sunder the physical limits of human dexterity. Acaiīut the suspicion wore off almost immediately as I witnessed Acai tear his way through an utterly astonishing note chart. There were people making their own songs specifically to be the hardest, and fastest thing possible, to really push players to their limits.